Rated 4.97/5 by our customers

Ready to Generate More Sales With Exclusive & Qualified Leads?

We generate ultra-qualified leads for businesses like yours looking to increase sales and profitability.

PPC Leads have generated my business just under $720,000 in sales since we started working together a few years ago!

The leads are great quality and I couldn't be more grateful.

Alex Jones

William Alexander Logs

Did You Know... Most Business Owners Have Problems With Generating Enough Sales!

The good news is WE CAN fix the problem. Our trusted lead generation team have helped 1000s of clients in over 116 sectors generate qualifed leads.

Our process to double your sales - fast!


1. You schedule a free discovery call with us

Book a FREE Discovery Call πŸ‘‰

Book a call above and a member of our team will be in touch asap.

2. We jump on the discovery call together

We'll jump on a call with you and chat through your business & work out if it's a good fit.

3. If it's a good fit, we'll get the ball rolling

If it's a good fit, we will schedule in your onboarding call and get the campaign setup started.

4. You contact the leads and get sales in

Once your campaign is live the leads will start coming through for you to turn into sales.

Since we started working with PPC Leads we have generated Β£32,000 in sales from a total spend of Β£3,000.

The leads have all been qualified and have only come to us.


Damp Proofing

The team at PPC Leads are so good. We have been really impressed with all of the work they have done and the leads they've been generating for us are the best we've had since we started in 1982!

Thank you!

The Bread Factory


Rated 4.97/5 by our customers

Are you ready to eat your competitors alive?

Book a FREE Discovery Call πŸ‘‰

Frequently Asked Questions

(We only allow a maximum of 10 slots a day)

What's included in our Lead Generation Service?

We run ads on Google, Facebook, Instagram, Bing & LinkedIn.

We always use these advertising platforms to generate leads for our clients because when done right, they’re highly targeted, automated & incredibly consistent. 

We build you a FREE Landing Page to qualify your leads.

Landing pages enable us to showcase your business to the potential customer and qualify them to the level you need before they become a lead. This prevents spam or time wasters!

We utilize our Campaign Data to reduce the cost of your leads.

Due to the number of campaigns we run in almost any sector, we are able to utilise the data we have gathered on other campaigns to significantly shorten this process – ultimately saving you time and money.

We provide you with a Platform to manage your leads.

Over the last few years we have invested heavily in developing the platform into a system that allows us to manage, optimise & control our clients campaigns.

We've generated millions in sales for our clients

We have all of the data to avoid having to do any 'testing'

We guarantee your business leads and if we don't hit it we will work for free.

We've generated thousands of leads for our clients.

What have we actually done for our clients?

Skip the wasted time, stress & cost of trying to figure it out yourself and plug your business into a lead generation machine that generates sales easily.

Book a FREE Discovery Call πŸ‘‰

(We only allow a maximum of 10 slots a day)

Rated 4.97/5 by our customers

If you're ready to take your sales to the next level, click the button below!

Book a FREE Discovery Call πŸ‘‰

(We only allow a maximum of 10 slots a day)

Are you ready to eat your competitors alive?

Book a FREE Discovery Call πŸ‘‰

(We only allow a maximum of 10 slots a day)

Ready to Generate More

 Sales With Exclusive &

Qualified Leads?

Ready to Grow Your

Business With Exclusive

Qualified Leads?

What Our Clients Say...

"In 6 months we've spent Β£3,000 and returned Β£32,000 in sales!"



Damp Proofing Business

"They generated me just under Β£75k in the last 90 days!"



Firewood Business

What are the next steps after the discovery call?
If we think it's a good fit on the call and we get things going we would setup an onboarding call with you when suits you. On the the onboarding call we will get all of the information that we need to get everything setup for your business.

How many leads can I expect?
Once we have discussed your business on the call we will give you a rough estimate and also provide you with a guarantee for the number of leads your campaign will generate. We are able to do this because of the amount of data we have for campaigns we have run before.

How much does it cost?
We deliberatly have plans that everyone can afford. This is how we are able to work with clients from one-man bands through to publicly listed companies. All of our plans are completely inclusive of everything. No need to worry about any extra costs!

Do I have to sign a contract?
The answer is that it's up to you. We work with some clients on a monthly rolling basis and some clients on a three month agreement.